Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year 2010

Wow...first day of a new much to look forward to, so much to strive for.  I know we can't change all of our eating habits in one day, but the fact that I actually *cooked* dinner tonight is a good start...a homemade supper is always a good thing.  The girls even helped with folding some laundry that was needing attention, and I got my kitchen a little cleaner than it usually is.  Boy, sounds like I don't do anything around the house, but it's more of a letting things go and feeling overwhelmed than anything.  Working full time outside the home and doing my schoolwork at night and still trying to keep up with the kids activities keeps me busy and tired.

Things I'd like to see happen this year:  eating better, exercising more, reading more of my Bible, going to church more often, being more available for my kids, keeping up with the house chores, having a beautiful yard once the winter is over...and so much more that I can't list them all right now.

I'm also looking forward to participating in the 365 project and taking a picture a day for the whole year.  I know I take the equivalent of more than a picture a day throughout the year, but a picture a day to stretch my imagination and get me to using my camera on a regular basis is inviting.  I've got this awesome camera and I know I don't use it to the best of its capability.  So, today I start trying new techniques and looking for interesting subjects.

All to walk the first 30 minutes on the treadmill of the new year!!