Sunday, January 03, 2010


Sunday, was an excellent day!  We got up and went to Sunday school and church and then out to lunch as a yummy Mexican restaurant in town with my inlaws and a couple from church.  It was so good and filled me up all day....cheese enchilada and tamale and beans and rice...

After lunch, we came home and I took a good long Sunday afternoon nap, then up and back to evening service.  I was sure that lightening was going to strike the church building when I showed up for a second time in one day!

So I didn't put a lot of thought into my 365 project photo today..I looked around the house for something to catch my eye and captured something that means a lot to's a photo of my husbands uniform with his badge...I'll post it in a bit!

Back to work up at 6am to catch the bus at 7am and then me to work at 8!  We have a new branch supervisor coming in to the office tomorrow and then I have at least four patients to see tomorrow afternoon.  Ken has a second job interview with a Police Department about 2 hours from here and it sounds very promising...which means moving and job hunting for me and the girls starting at a new school.  Big changes for our family could be on the horizon...

Until tomorrow!